Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Come on that's over here. What? They caught a fish!? Welcome back kops, my name is Kwebbelkop, and today we are playing Tasty Blue which is a very cool game. It works kinda similar to-
it Gary Owen and slither but we are a fish KOPS We are a fish and we have to eat
everything that is smaller than us so that's what we'll be doing. Huh.

let's go and eat all of this food over here we can move around with the mouse we can move around with pretty much
everything and we are growing Kops we are getting a lot better oh my God ok
I think let me just eat look can we
eat his hand? Can we eat his hand Kops? I think we have to jump out out yep we
have to jump out into the sink let's go okay there we go, we are in this sink let's go down I don't know where we're
going but we're going to eat everything we're going to eat everything in the
world Kops so if you want to see more on this game because it's a pretty big game
can we eat these guys yes we can if you want to see more in
this game then please drop a like Kops please drop a like so i know that you
Kops want to see more of this and we'll be playing this game more often let's keep on eating we can't eat those
guys but we can eat these shrimps let's keep on eating everything let's
say we can test I was like will keep on keep on keep on going keep on eating
keep on eating all of the shrimps there we go we need to eat the big shrimps else
we don't really grow anymore another shrimpy shrimp another can we
eat the fish yet not yet not yet still eating all the shrimp oh wait we can eat these guys, Oh we
can eat everything on the floor over here and now we can eat these fish got it we are becoming a big fish I like
this a lot. Ok we already have everything over there come on keep on eating oh we did it that
was level number one let's go and let's go and eat stuff we
are back at the shrimps we have to eat and with all these levels you have to do it
as fast as you can so we're trying to eat these things as fast as we can and
it's gonna make us grow and then after that is going to be like okay now you can eat
these oysters things and maybe the ducks too soon but not yet not yet you can't
you can't eat the ducks yet Kops you can't eat the ducks yet we just  have to get a
little bit bigger now we can eat the ducks yes eat all of the ducks! And then now we can eat the fish too - oh my god yes and yes all of the
ducks, and all of the fish. There we go everything oh and the stars come on we need the
stars all the stars what about the Coke can yes oh so they're telling us that these
little that these lobsters over here they can eat us so we have to be pretty
careful that they don't go and eat us they also actively hunt as I guess or
well sometimes they'll hunt us right there and we just have to make sure that
they don't get us there's nothing on the floor
here so let's keep on eating these little shrimps until we are big enough oh my god until we are big enough to eat
these lobsters cause I love some lobsters I love
myself some lobsters come on keep on eating all of the fish keep on eating all of the fish eat every
single... Eat every single shrimp out there uh, oh no there they're hunting
us Kops they're hunting us soon will be big
enough to eat the lobsters, come on there we go soon we will be big enough,
Kops soon we will be big enough oh we can
eat them already! There we go now you just gotta be a
pussy right they're just being pussies Kops you're just pussying out of here they
didn't know they're up against you're up against the biggest fish in
the world we are the biggest gold fish in the world we are consuming everything everything
out there we shall eat eat all of it yes ok so we hold spacebar we can boost there we go let's eat these little guys yes perfect thank you and let's go eat a
bird what the fuck we can eat birds now
oh my god ok come on let's try this again heh there we go eat some more fish and some more birds in a second Oh wha, what's over
there? Uh, no that's a dangerous guy eat a
bird and eat another bird and eat come on
come on we can get more birds and then come on and and another one and another one and
another one and another okay no another one let's go to the
next part right there can we eat this guy? Probably not nope, no he can eat us though yeah he can
eat us come on eat some more birds and some more
birds and some more birds yes! Oh man I love myself some birds I love myself some birds there we go
Kops we're doing great with these birds and
more birds and another one and i think we're a big enough to eat that guy now right are we big enough yet can we eat him yes we
just ate a seal that fish we need more fish we just get big
and smaller I don't know why it's probably because we poop a lot we just poop everything out of there we
can speed up too - okay those fish are two big those fish are dub still too big still too big come on there we go eat all of it eat all of these fishes
and all of these things over there and now we can get birds and we can finally
get birds again I like myself some birds I love myself some
birds man I love myself some birds come on and another one and oh my god we just got so much faster
and are you men what the heck what the fuck is this human doing we need to get
the seals Kops there are some divers over here we have
to get some more birds so that we can get the seal stupid stupid seal over here you crazy
seal okay we have to be careful for this human
cuz these humans, humans they will try to kill us I bet they oh nope careful we're stuck
on there I bet the oh what the fuck we just ate
one of those things holy shit they keep on eating keep on
eating we can't be that human yet but soon we
will soon we will soon we will eat the world we will consume the world still
can't eat that that being ok just keep eating birds i
guess fish that eat the birds that's pretty
crazy you know still can't eat it come on get some more fish yeah Geeet some more fish,  some more fish there we go eat the seals I want to eat
the human I want to eat the human we need more seals Kops we need yes we just ate the human eat some
more humans okay oh my god they're orcas ok or killer whales they're called the
killer whales oh shit yes eat all of the fish over
here eat all of these shark things...

fishes they're called sword fishes ok we can't eat that guy yet but we can eat that boat what we
could eat that people over here too du duh da duh da duh da duh da duh daaaa! They're all gonna die Kops they're
all gonna die oh yes keep going this game is so much fun
i love eating everybody in the world I love eating everybody in the world this is so
much fun come on you little killer whale soon you will be dead soon you will be
dead now he's still be still hunting us the killer whale's still hunting us I think
we have to be like four meters to be able to eat him four meters and we can
eat him come one right now no still can't eat him we need a bit bit bit bit more than four
meters now there we go now we did it we
couldn't even eat him but what's over here what's over here
now come on that's over here what they caught a fish
are you kidding me are you fucking kidding me you caught me you
caught the fish no no you shall not survive this you will not survive this for long kids kids on a school trip you're not going to survive this long
there you go come on ok we can get this small ones we
can get the yellow ones Come on there we go only the yellow ones
right now hello the yellow one hello the yellow one another one and now we
should be able to nope still not still can't do it what the fuck that
guy is staying under water there we go now we can get the green ones and we can eat
everybody over here go hurry up kill all of them
kill everything yes let's do one more level I don't know
what this is but we got this Kops we got this let's do this last level over here we just need these okay come on we can
go on land we just needed that stuff over there men
we just need all the stuff here we're cleaning this world up okay we are a great fish that's cleaning
everything on this planet we are in nice fish a kind one okay we're just trying to help people ok just trying
to help people get back into the water you little shit and let's start eating can we can't eat birds let's eat the
fish let's eat the small little fish little ones just the little ones not the big
ones just the little ones ok can we get the birds we can get birds now we can
get birds now come on here we go I love eating birds I love eating birds
huh Yes! Yes! Okay there we go yes
eat all of it eat all of it all of this stuff all of this stuff
is so nice it is so nice yes okay can we get the
bigger fish yet we can ok we can now we need to eat at the
bigger fish so that we can eat all the other stuff here too there's loads of grass and eventually we
can eat we can I mean seaweed there's loads of seaweed eventually we can eat
the human I love humans they're the best they taste the best ok more fish there
we go more fish and more birds and more fish and ok time to eat the plants
time to eat some plants not not all of them we can't eat all of them there's another
one over there more plants more plants yes keep on eating all the plants and more
fish and more fish and more plants yes all of it okay this is it Kops this is where we do this this is where
we do it eat all the fish oh yes oh man oh man hello there and you're done and your done and get some more birds can we
eat the human it's a human over here now yes we ate
him but anyways Kops it was an amazing game
if you want to see more of this then please drop a like at 10,000 likes i'll do episode number two and I'll see you Kops tomorrow
bye bye [Seal noises] 'shut up' [Punching sound].


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